Prevent the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms, prions and viruses to the skin of the hands when in contact with other people, money, buttons in elevators etc., door handles, handrails, railings and any horizontal/vertical surfaces with which a person comes into contact in public institutions, armed forces, law enforcement agencies, judicial and penitentiary systems; financial institutions; in medical institutions, enterprises of the pharmaceutical, microbiological and biotechnological industries; in administrative, domestic and industrial premises in meat, dairy, food, light, heavy, machine-building, mining, coke, chemical and petrochemical, wood industries, livestock, poultry, agriculture and fisheries, metallurgy electricity, construction and other industries; at the objects of administrative, social and household services (hairdressing saloons, massage and beauty salons, workshops, etc.); social protection institutions (residential institutions, residential treatment centers, shelters for homeless, emergency shelters and in other centers of permanent/temporary stay, etc.); cultural institutions (theaters, movie theaters, cultural and entertainment centers); educational institutions (preschool, school, secondary vocational, higher, advanced training, etc.); sports and health and entertainment complexes despite of form of ownership; in catering and trade establishments (buffets, canteens, cafes, bars, restaurants, food courts, commercial centers, supermarkets, mini-markets, etc.); in all types of transports and transport infrastructure (subway stations, bus stations, railway stations, river and sea ports, airports, etc.); in hotel and residential complexes; at home and in other places where hygiene must be kept.
Effective against gram-negative and gram-positive pathogenic microorganisms - Salmonella enteritidis, Mycobacterium B5 (bacillus Kochii), Staphylococcus aureus and Еnterica, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas, Thyphimurium, Candida albicans, dermatophytosis, higher molds Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus, spore-forming bacteria Bacillus cereus; bacteriophage T2 viruses (HIV/AIDS), hepatitis, hepatitis, influenza, African fever A. Suum, brucellosis E. Suis and Т. Suis. It is an effective remedy for the destruction of parasitic diseases pathogens - O. Dentatum esophagostenosis, eggs and larvae of helminths, geohelminths, cysts and oocysts of intestinal protozoa. It has an effect of prolonged action up to 8 hours depending on its concentration.